It's a New Year and so many exciting things are happening for The Cake Pop Company, LLC. To celebrate and ring in 2011 we are going to have a 1 Day Sale on our Classic Cake Pops! There isn't a discount code to enter, we're just lowering our price for New Years Day to $11 (get it? 2011....$11, tehehe) per dozen. We do ask that you limit your purchase to 2 dozen. Your special purchase will need to be used/shipped by January 31, 2011. This is our way to say Thank You for making 2010 a successful year for us. We could not have done it without you, our customers.
Now, on to some exciting news that some of you may or may not know about.......we will be moving soon, into our own facility and storefront! We are very excited and are ready to have room to grow and a storefront to service the "sweet" needs of Springfield. The plans have been approved by me and our landlord and now we are just waiting for the good people in the city building office of Springfield MO to approve them and issue the building permits. Once we get that, I'm sure that it won't be long until we can move. I have purchased new appliances, the new tile floor has been installed and the remaining details are being purchased and/or ordered this week. I can't wait to show you the progress.
We are planning on extending our product line and hope that some of the items that we will make and carry can be shipped nation wide along with our delicious Cake Pops. We will have some new Cake Pops to unveil and of course, there will be a Grand Opening party that is guaranteed to be the talk of the town. So, stay tuned for more details.